Some History of Astronomy Links

High Energy Astronomy Missions:
This site has interesting information and images from past x-ray and gamma-ray astronomy satellites as well as present and future ones.
A Brief History of the Discovery of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts
draft april 17, 1995 - J.Bonnell
75th Anniversary Astronomical Debate:
In April 1920, Harlow Shapley and Heber D. Curtis debated "The Scale of the Universe". In April 1995, in commemoration of the "Great Debate" of 1920, Donald Q. Lamb and Bohdan Paczynski debated "The Distance Scale to Gamma-Ray Bursts". Find out what it was all about.
The History of Mount Wilson Observatory:
Hubble was Here.
A Brief History of Astronomy in Uppsala:
Celsius was Here.
History of Astronomy and Space Science:
A comprehensive list of history of astronomy sites on the web.
Astronomiae Historia / History of Astronomy
The primary source of history of astronomy information on the web.