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Astronomy Picture of the Day |
APOD: 2024 October 31 - Rigel and the Witch Head Nebula
By starlight, this eerie visage shines in the dark
with a crooked profile evoking its popular name, the
Witch Head Nebula.
In fact, this entrancing
telescopic portrait
gives the impression that
a witch has fixed her gaze on Orion's bright supergiant
star Rigel.
More formally known as
IC 2118,
the Witch Head Nebula spans about 50 light-years and
is composed of interstellar dust grains reflecting
Rigel's starlight.
The color of the Witch Head Nebula is caused not only by Rigel's
intense blue light, but because the
dust grains scatter blue light more efficiently than red.
The same
physical process
Earth's daytime
to appear blue, although the scatterers in
Earth's atmosphere are molecules of nitrogen and oxygen.
Rigel and this dusty cosmic crone are about 800 light-years away.
You may still see a few witches in your neighborhood tonight though,
so have a safe and
Happy Halloween!
APOD: 2024 October 27 – LDN 43: The Cosmic Bat Nebula
What is the most spook-tacular nebula in the galaxy?
One contender is LDN 43, which bears an astonishing resemblance to a vast cosmic
flying amongst the stars on a dark
Halloween night.
Located about 1400
light years
away in the constellation
Ophiuchus, this
molecular cloud is dense enough to
block light
not only from background stars,
but from wisps of gas lit up by the nearby
reflection nebula
LBN 7.
Far from being a harbinger of death, this
12-light year-long filament of gas and
dust is actually a
stellar nursery.
Glowing with
eerie light, the bat is lit up from inside by
dense gaseous knots that have just formed
young stars.
APOD: 2023 November 5 – Creature Aurora Over Norway
It was Halloween and the sky looked like a creature.
Exactly which creature, the
astrophotographer was unsure (but
possibly you can suggest one).
Exactly what caused this
eerie apparition in 2013 was sure:
one of the best
auroral displays that year.
spectacular aurora had an unusually high degree of
here, the vivid green and purple
auroral colors are caused by high atmospheric
oxygen and
reacting to a burst of incoming
Birch trees in
formed an also
eerie foreground.
Frequently, new photogenic auroras accompany new
geomagnetic storms.
APOD: 2023 October 31 – Halloween and the Wizard Nebula
Halloween's origin is ancient and astronomical.
Since the fifth century BC,
has been celebrated as a
cross-quarter day, a day halfway between an
equinox (equal day / equal night) and a
(minimum day / maximum night in the northern hemisphere).
With a
modern calendar however, even though Halloween occurs today,
the real
cross-quarter day will occur
next week.
Another cross-quarter day is
Groundhog Day.
Halloween's modern celebration retains
historic roots
dressing to scare away the spirits of the dead.
Perhaps a fitting tribute to this ancient holiday is
this closeup view of the
Wizard Nebula (NGC 7380).
Visually, the interplay of stars, gas, and dust has created a shape that appears to some like a
fictional ancient sorcerer.
Although the nebula may last only a few million years, some of the
stars being conjured from the gas by the
great gravitational powers may
outlive our Sun.
APOD: 2023 October 22 – Ghost Aurora over Canada
What does this aurora look like to you?
While braving the cold to watch the skies above northern
early one morning in 2013, a most unusual aurora appeared.
The aurora definitely appeared to be
shaped like something, but what?
Two ghostly possibilities recorded
by the astrophotographer were "witch" and "goddess of dawn",
but please
feel free to suggest your own
Halloween-enhanced impressions.
Regardless of fantastical
pareidolic interpretations,
the pictured aurora had a
typical green
color and was surely caused by the scientifically commonplace action of
high-energy particles from space interacting with
oxygen in
Earth's upper atmosphere.
In the image foreground, at the bottom, is a frozen
Alexandra Falls, while
evergreen trees
cross the middle.
APOD: 2023 October 4 – IC 2118: The Witch Head Nebula
Does this nebula look like the head of a witch?
The nebula is
known popularly as the Witch Head Nebula because, it is said,
the nebula's shape resembles a
Halloween-style caricature of a witch's head.
Exactly how, though, can be a topic of imaginative speculation.
What is clear is that
IC 2118 is about 50
across and made of gas and dust that points to --
because it has been partly eroded by -- the nearby star
One of the brighter stars in the constellation Orion,
Rigel lies below the bottom of the
featured image.
The blue color of the Witch Head Nebula and is caused not only by
Rigel's intense blue starlight
but because the
dust grains
scatter blue light more efficiently than red.
The same physical process causes Earth's daytime
sky to appear blue,
although the scatterers in planet
Earth's atmosphere are molecules of
nitrogen and
APOD: 2022 October 31 - LDN 43: The Cosmic Bat Nebula
What is the most spook-tacular nebula in the galaxy?
One contender is LDN 43, which bears an astonishing resemblance to a vast cosmic
flying amongst the stars on a dark
Halloween night.
Located about 1400
light years
away in the constellation
Ophiuchus, this
molecular cloud is dense enough to
block light
not only from background stars,
but from wisps of gas lit up by the nearby
reflection nebula
LBN 7.
Far from being a harbinger of death, this
12-light year-long filament of gas and
dust is actually a
stellar nursery.
Glowing with
eerie light, the bat is lit up from inside by
dense gaseous knots that have just formed
young stars.
APOD: 2021 October 31 - Dark Matter in a Simulated Universe
Is our universe haunted?
It might look that way on this
dark matter map.
The gravity of unseen
dark matter
is the leading explanation for why
galaxies rotate so fast,
why galaxies orbit clusters so fast,
why gravitational lenses so strongly deflect light,
and why visible matter is distributed as it is both
in the local universe and
on the cosmic
microwave background.
The featured image from the
American Museum of Natural History's
Hayden Planetarium
Space Show
Dark Universe
highlights one example of how pervasive dark matter might haunt our universe.
In this frame from a
detailed computer simulation,
complex filaments of dark matter, shown in black, are strewn
about the universe like
spider webs, while the relatively rare clumps of familiar
matter are colored orange.
These simulations are good statistical matches to astronomical observations.
In what is perhaps a scarier turn of events,
dark matter -- although quite strange and in an
unknown form --
is no longer thought to be the strangest source of
gravity in the universe.
That honor now falls to
dark energy, a more uniform source of
repulsive gravity
that seems to now dominate the expansion of the entire universe.
APOD: 2021 October 30 - A Rorschach Aurora
If you see this as a monster's face, don't panic.
It's only pareidolia,
often experienced as the tendency to see faces in
patterns of light and shadow.
In fact, the startling visual scene is actually a 180 degree panorama of
Northern Lights,
digitally mirrored like inkblots on a folded piece of paper.
Frames used to construct it were captured on
a September night from the
middle of a waterfall-crossing suspension bridge
in Jamtland, Sweden.
With geomagnetic storms triggered by
recent solar activity,
auroral displays could be very active at
planet Earth's high latitudes in the coming days.
But if you see a monster's face in
your own neighborhood
tomorrow night, it might just be Halloween.
APOD: 2021 October 24 - Halloween and the Ghost Head Nebula
Halloween's origin is ancient and astronomical.
Since the fifth century BC,
has been celebrated as a
cross-quarter day, a day halfway between an
equinox (equal day / equal night) and a
(minimum day / maximum night in the northern hemisphere).
With a
modern calendar however, even though Halloween occurs next week,
the real
cross-quarter day will occur the
week after.
Another cross-quarter day is
Groundhog Day.
Halloween's modern celebration retains
historic roots
dressing to scare away the spirits of the dead.
Perhaps a fitting tribute to this ancient holiday is this view of the
Head Nebula taken with the
Hubble Space Telescope.
Similar to the icon of a
NGC 2080 is actually a star forming region in the
Large Magellanic Cloud,
a satellite galaxy of our own
Milky Way Galaxy.
The Ghost Head Nebula
(NGC 2080) spans about 50
light-years and is shown in representative colors.
APOD: 2020 November 2 - Half Sun with Prominence
What's happening to the Sun?
Clearly, the Sun's lower half is hidden behind a thick cloud.
Averaging over the entire
Earth, clouds block the Sun
about 2/3rds of the time, although much less over many land locations.
On the Sun's upper right is a
prominence of magnetically levitating hot gas.
The prominence might seem small but it could easily
envelop our
and persist for over a month.
The featured image is a combination of two exposures,
one optimizing the cloud and prominence, and the other optimizing
the Sun's texture.
Both were taken about an hour apart with the same camera and from the same location in
The shaggy texture derives from the Sun's
an atmospheric layer that stands out in the specifically
exposed color.
The uniformity of the texture shows the surface to be
relatively calm, indicative of a Sun just past the solar minimum in its
11-year cycle.
In the years ahead, the Sun will progress toward a
more active epoch where
sunspots, prominences, and ultimately
auroras on Earth will be more common: solar maximum.
APOD: 2020 October 31 - A Galaxy of Horrors
Explore extreme and terrifying realms of the Universe tonight.
If you dare to look, mysterious dark matter, a graveyard galaxy,
zombie worlds, and gamma-ray bursts of doom are not all that awaits.
Just follow the link and remember, it's all based on real science,
even the scary parts.
Have a safe and happy halloween!
APOD: 2020 October 30 - Fear and Dread: The Moons of Mars
On Halloween
fear and
will stalk your night skies, also
known as
the moons of Mars.
The 2020
opposition of Mars was on October 13, so the
Red Planet will still rise shortly before sunset.
Near Halloween's Full Moon on the sky, its strange yellowish glow
will outshine other stars throughout the night.
But the two tiny Martian moons are very faint and in close orbits,
making them hard to spot, even with a small telescope.
You can find them in this carefully annotated composite view though.
The overexposed planet's glare is reduced and
orbital paths for inner moon Phobos and outer moon Deimos
are overlayed on digitally combined images captured on October 6.
The diminutive moons
of Mars were discovered in August of 1877 by
astronomer Asaph Hall at the US Naval Observatory using the
Great Equatorial
26-inch Alvan Clark refractor.
APOD: 2020 October 29 - The Ghoul of IC 2118
Inspired by the halloween season,
this telescopic portrait
captures a cosmic cloud with a scary visage.
The interstellar scene lies within the dusty expanse of reflection
nebula IC 2118 in the constellation Orion, the Hunter.
IC 2118 is about 800 light-years from your neighborhood,
close to
bright bluish star Rigel at Orion's foot.
Often identified as
the Witch Head nebula
for its appearance in a wider field of view it
now rises before the witching hour.
With spiky stars for eyes, the ghoulish apparition identified
here seems to extend an arm many light-years long
toward Orion's hot supergiant star.
The source of illumination for IC 2118,
Rigel is just beyond this frame at the upper left.
APOD: 2019 November 1 - The Day After Mars
October 31, 1938 was the day after Martians encountered planet Earth,
and everything was calm.
Reports of the invasion were revealed to be part of a
Halloween radio drama, the now famous broadcast
based on H.G. Wells' scifi novel
War of the Worlds.
On Mars October 20, 2014 was calm too,
the day after its close encounter with
Siding Spring (C/2013 A1).
Not a hoax, this comet really did come within 86,700 miles or so of
Mars, about 1/3 the Earth-Moon distance.
spacecraft and rovers in Mars orbit and on the surface
reported no ill effects though, and
had a ringside seat as a visitor from the
solar system passed by.
Spanning over 2 degrees against stars of the constellation Ophiuchus,
this colorful
telescopic snapshot captures our view of Mars on the day after.
Bluish star
51 Ophiuchi is at the upper right and
the comet is just emerging from the Red Planet's bright glare.
APOD: 2019 October 31 - The Ghostly Veil Nebula
A ghostly visage
on a cosmic scale, these remains of shocked, glowing gas haunt
planet Earth's sky toward the constellation of Cygnus
and form the
Veil Nebula.
The nebula itself is a large
supernova remnant, an expanding
cloud born of the death explosion of a massive star.
Light from the original supernova explosion likely reached
Earth over 5,000 years ago.
Also known as the Cygnus Loop, the
Veil Nebula now spans
nearly 3 degrees or about 6 times the diameter of
the full Moon.
That translates to over 70 light-years
at its estimated distance of 1,500 light-years.
In fact, the Veil is so large its brighter parts are
recognized as separate nebulae, including The
Witch's Broom (NGC 6960) below and right
of center.
At the top left you can find the Spectre of
IC 1340.
Happy Halloween!
APOD: 2019 October 27 - Ghost Aurora over Canada
What does this aurora look like to you?
While braving the cold to watch the skies above northern
early one morning in 2013, a most unusual aurora appeared.
The aurora definitely appeared to be
shaped like something , but what?
Two ghostly possibilities recorded
by the astrophotographer were "witch" and "goddess of dawn",
but please
feel free to suggest your own
Halloween-enhanced impressions.
Regardless of fantastical
pareidolic interpretations,
the pictured aurora had a
typical green
color and was surely caused by the scientifically commonplace action of high energy particles from space interacting with
oxygen in
Earth's upper atmosphere.
In the image foreground, at the bottom, is a frozen
Alexandra Falls, while
evergreen trees
cross the middle.
APOD: 2018 November 18 - Creature Aurora Over Norway
It was Halloween and the sky looked like a creature.
Exactly which creature, the
astrophotographer was unsure but
(possibly you can suggest one).
Exactly what caused this
eerie apparition in 2013 was sure:
one of the best
auroral displays in recent years.
spectacular aurora had an unusually high degree of
here, the vivid green and purple
auroral colors are caused by high atmospheric
oxygen and
reacting to a burst of incoming
Birch trees in Tromsø,
formed an also
eerie foreground.
Recently, new photogenic auroras have accompanied new
geomagnetic storms.
APOD: 2018 October 31 - R Leporis: A Vampire's Star
Better known as
Hind's Crimson
Star, R Leporis is a rare star in planet Earth's night sky.
It's also a shocking shade of red.
The star's discoverer,
19th century English astronomer
John Russell
Hind, reported that it appeared
in a telescope "... like a drop of blood on a black field."
1,360 light-years away in the
Lepus the star is a Mira-type variable,
changing its brightness over a period of about 14 months.
R Leporis is now recognized as
a carbon star,
a very cool and highly evolved
red giant
with an extreme abundance of carbon.
Extra carbon in carbon stars is created by
fusion near the dying stellar core and dredged up into the
stars' outer layers.
The dredge-up results in an overabundance of simple carbon molecules,
like CO, CH, CN, and C2.
While it's true
that cool stars radiate most of their energy in
red and infrared light, the carbon molecules
strongly absorb what little blue light is left and give
carbon stars an exceptionally deep red color.
R Leporis is losing its carbon-rich atmosphere into the surrounding
interstellar material through a strong stellar wind though,
and could be near the transition to a
planetary nebula.
Oh, and Happy Halloween from the folks at APOD.
APOD: 2017 October 31 - Dark Matter in a Simulated Universe
Is our universe haunted?
It might look that way on this
dark matter map.
The gravity of unseen
dark matter
is the leading explanation for why
galaxies rotate so fast,
why galaxies orbit clusters so fast,
why gravitational lenses so strongly deflect light,
and why visible matter is distributed as it is both
in the local universe and
on the cosmic
microwave background.
The featured image from the
American Museum of Natural History’s
Hayden Planetarium
Space Show
Dark Universe
highlights one example of how pervasive dark matter might haunt our universe.
In this frame from a
detailed computer simulation,
complex filaments of dark matter, shown in black, are strewn
about the universe like
spider webs, while the relatively rare clumps of familiar
matter are colored orange.
These simulations are good statistical matches to astronomical observations.
In what is perhaps a scarier turn of events,
dark matter -- although quite strange and in an
unknown form --
is no longer thought to be the strangest source of
gravity in the universe.
That honor now falls to
dark energy, a more uniform source of
repulsive gravity
that seems to now dominate the expansion of the entire universe.
APOD: 2016 October 31 - Ghost Aurora over Canada
What does this aurora look like to you?
While braving the cold to watch the skies above northern
early one morning in 2013, a most unusual aurora appeared.
The aurora definitely appeared to be
shaped like something , but what?
Two ghostly possibilities recorded
by the astrophotographer were "witch" and "goddess of dawn",
but please
feel free to suggest your own
Halloween-enhanced impressions.
Regardless of fantastical
pareidolic interpretations,
the pictured aurora had a
typical green
color and was surely caused by the scientifically commonplace action of high energy particles from space interacting with
oxygen in
Earth's upper atmosphere.
In the image foreground, at the bottom, is a frozen
Alexandra Falls, while
evergreen trees
cross the middle.
APOD: 2016 October 30 - Halloween and the Ghost Head Nebula
Halloween's origin is ancient and astronomical.
Since the fifth century BC,
has been celebrated as a
cross-quarter day, a day halfway between an
equinox (equal day / equal night) and a
(minimum day / maximum night in the northern hemisphere).
With a
modern calendar however, even though Halloween occurs tomorrow,
the real
cross-quarter day will occur
next week.
Another cross-quarter day is
Groundhog Day.
Halloween's modern celebration retains
historic roots
in dressing to scare away the spirits of the dead.
Perhaps a fitting tribute to this ancient holiday is this view of the
Head Nebula taken with the
Hubble Space Telescope.
Similar to the icon of a
NGC 2080 is actually a
star forming region in the
Large Magellanic Cloud,
a satellite galaxy of our own
Milky Way Galaxy.
The Ghost Head Nebula spans about 50
light-years and is shown in representative colors.
APOD: 2015 October 31 - Ghosts and Star Trails
Don't be scared.
Stars won't fall from the sky and ghosts won't really haunt
your neighborhood tonight.
But it
looks like they might be doing just that
in this eerie picture of an eccentric old abandoned house in
A treat for the eye the image is a
trick of stacked multiple exposures,
60 frames exposed for 25 seconds each.
While the digital frames were recorded with a camera
fixed to a tripod, stars traced
concentric arcs about the north celestial pole.
But that's only a reflection of planet Earth's
rotation on its axis.
Conveniently marked by bright star
Polaris, the pole could be positioned above the
peaks of the deserted dwelling.
Wrapped in a blanket to stay warm, the photographer's own
movements during the exposures were blended into the ghostly
Of course, the grinning Jack-o-Lantern is there to wish you a
safe and Happy Halloween!
APOD: 2014 November 1 - The Day After Mars
October 31, 1938 was the day after Martians encountered planet Earth,
and everything was calm.
Reports of the invasion were revealed to be part of a
Halloween radio drama, the now famous broadcast
based on H.G. Wells' scifi novel
War of the Worlds.
On Mars October 20, 2014 was calm too,
the day after its close encounter with
Siding Spring.
Not a hoax, this comet really did come within 86,700 miles or so of
Mars, about 1/3 the Earth-Moon distance.
spacecraft and rovers in Mars orbit and on the surface
reported no ill effects though, and
had a ringside seat as a visitor from the
outer solar system passed by.
Spanning over 2 degrees against stars of the constellation Ophiuchus,
this colorful
telescopic snapshot captures our view of Mars on the day after.
Bluish star
51 Ophiuchi is at the upper right and
the comet is just emerging from the Red Planet's bright glare.
APOD: 2014 October 31 - Milky Way over Devils Tower
A mysterious formation known as
Tower rises into
the dark above northeastern Wyoming's prairie landscape in this 16
frame panoramic view.
Seen against the night sky's thin, pale clouds and eerie green
airglow, star clusters and nebulae
of the Milky Way arc toward the galaxy's
central realm
at right.
Of course the scene contains the Milky Way's own
haunting and grisly visages
halloween, including
a flaming
a glowing eye and
a witch's broom.
To find them, slide your cursor over the picture or just
follow this link,
if you dare.
And have a safe and Happy Halloween!
APOD: 2014 October 30 - A Spectre in the Eastern Veil
forms and scary faces are a mark of the Halloween season.
They also haunt
cosmic close-up of the eastern Veil Nebula.
The Veil Nebula itself is a
large supernova remnant, the expanding
debris cloud from the death explosion of a massive star.
While the Veil is roughly circular in shape and covers nearly 3 degrees
on the sky in the constellation Cygnus, this portion of the eastern
Veil spans only 1/2 degree, about the apparent size
of the Moon.
That translates to 12 light-years at the Veil's
estimated distance, a reassuring 1,400 light-years from planet Earth.
In the composite of image data recorded through broad and
narrow band filters,
emission from hydrogen atoms in the remnant is shown in red with strong
emission from oxygen atoms in blue-green hues.
Of course, in the western part of the Veil lies another
seasonal apparition,
the Witch's Broom.
APOD: 2013 November 6 - Creature Aurora Over Norway
It was Halloween and the sky looked like a creature.
Exactly which creature, the
astrophotographer was unsure
(but possibly you can suggest one).
Exactly what caused the
eerie apparition was sure:
one of the best
auroral displays in recent memory.
spectacular aurora had an unusually high degree of
above, the vivid green and purple
auroral colors are caused by high atmospheric
oxygen and
reacting to a burst of incoming
Birch trees in Tromsø,
formed an also
eerie foreground.
Many other photogenic auroras have been triggered by
recent energetic flares on the Sun.
APOD: 2013 October 31 - Night on a Spooky Planet
What spooky planet is this?
Planet Earth of course, on the dark and stormy night
of September 12 at Hverir, a geothermally active area
along the volcanic
landscape in northeastern Iceland.
Geomagnetic storms produced the
auroral display in the
starry night sky
while ghostly towers of steam and gas venting
from fumaroles
danced against the eerie greenish light.
Tonight, there is still a chance for
geomagnetic storms
triggered by recent solar activity, so high-latitude skygazers
should beware.
And ghostly shapes may dance in your neighborhood, too.
Have a safe and
Happy Halloween!
APOD: 2013 October 30 - A Spectre in the Eastern Veil
forms and scary faces are a mark of the Halloween season.
They also haunt
cosmic close-up of the eastern Veil Nebula.
The Veil Nebula itself is a
large supernova remnant, the expanding
debris cloud from the death explosion of a massive star.
While the Veil is roughly circular in shape covering nearly 3 degrees
on the sky in the constellation Cygnus, this portion of the eastern
Veil spans only 1/2 degree, about the apparent size
of the Moon.
That translates to 12 light-years at the Veil's
reassuring estimated distance of 1,400 light-years from planet Earth.
In the composite of image data recorded through
narrow band filters,
emission from hydrogen atoms in the remnant is shown in red with strong
emission from oxygen atoms in blue-green hues.
In the western part of the Veil lies another seasonal apparition,
the Witch's Broom.
APOD: 2012 October 31 - VdB 152: A Ghost in Cepheus
Described as a "dusty curtain" or
"ghostly apparition",
mysterious reflection nebula VdB 152 really is very faint.
Far from your neighborhood on this
Night, the cosmic phantom is nearly 1,400 light-years away.
Also catalogued as Ced 201, it lies along the
northern Milky Way
in the royal constellation
Near the edge of a large molecular cloud,
pockets of interstellar dust in the region block light from
background stars or scatter light from the embedded bright star
giving parts of
the nebula
a characteristic blue color.
Ultraviolet light from the star is also
to cause a dim reddish
in the nebular dust.
Though stars do form in
molecular clouds, this star
seems to have only accidentally wandered
into the area, as its measured velocity through
space is very different from the cloud's velocity.
This deep telescopic image
of the region spans about 7 light-years.
APOD: 2011 October 31 - Ghost of the Cepheus Flare
Spooky shapes seem to haunt
starry expanse, drifting through the night in the royal constellation
Of course, the shapes are cosmic dust clouds faintly visible
in dimly reflected starlight.
Far from your own
neighborhood on planet Earth, they lurk at the edge of the
Cepheus Flare
molecular cloud complex some 1,200 light-years away.
Over 2 light-years across the ghostly nebula and relatively
Bok globule, also known as
vdB 141
or Sh2-136,
is near the center of the field.
The core of the dark cloud on the right is collapsing and is
likely a binary star system in the
early stages of formation.
Even so, if the spooky shapes could talk, they might well wish you a
happy Halloween.
APOD: 2011 October 28 - October Skylights
As northern hemisphere nights grow longer,
October is a good month for spotting auroras,
or even other
eerie apparitions after dark.
And this week the night sky did not disappoint.
On October 24th a solar
coronal mass ejection impacted
planet Earth's magnetosphere triggering far ranging
auroral displays.
On that night,
this dramatic silhouette against
deep red and beautiful green curtains of shimmering light was captured
near Whitby, Ontario, Canada.
auroras were reported
even farther south, in US states like Alabama, Kansas, and
Oklahoma at latitudes
rarely haunted by the northern lights.
Well above 100 kilometers, at the highest altitudes
infused by the auroral glow, the
red color comes
from the excitation of oxygen atoms.
APOD: 2010 October 31 - Halloween and the Ghost Head Nebula
Halloween's origin is ancient and astronomical.
Since the fifth century BC,
has been celebrated as a
cross-quarter day, a day halfway between an
equinox (equal day / equal night) and a
(minimum day / maximum night in the northern hemisphere).
With a
modern calendar, however, the real
cross-quarter day will occur next week.
Another cross-quarter day is
Groundhog's Day.
Halloween's modern celebration retains
historic roots
in dressing to scare away the spirits of the dead.
Perhaps a fitting tribute to this ancient holiday is this view of the
Head Nebula taken with the
Hubble Space Telescope.
Similar to the icon of a
NGC 2080 is actually a
star forming region in the
Large Magellanic Cloud,
a satellite galaxy of our own
Milky Way Galaxy.
The Ghost Head Nebula spans about 50
light-years and is shown in representative colors.
APOD: 2009 November 5 - Halloween s Moon
Illuminating the landscape all through the
night of November 2nd,
this week's bright Full Moon was
known in the northern hemisphere as a
Hunter's Moon.
But this
dramatic view of the shining lunar orb, from
Sobreda, Portugal, was captured just a few nights earlier,
on Halloween.
In the spirit of
the season, the image plays a
little trick.
The picture is actually two digital photos - one short and one
long exposure.
They were combined to bring out the details of the
bright lunar surface and the
fainter features in the dark, surrounding clouds,
in a single image.
Of course, you may recognize some of the
spookier shapes
in the clouds as having visited your neighborhood
last week, along with Halloween's
APOD: 2009 October 31 - VdB 152: Reflection Nebula in Cepheus
Described as a "dusty curtain" or "ghostly apparition",
mysterious reflection nebula VdB 152 really is very faint.
Far from your neighborhood on this
Halloween Night,
the cosmic phantom is nearly 1,400 light-years away.
Also cataloged as Ced 201, it lies along the northern Milky Way
in the royal constellation Cepheus.
Near the edge of a large molecular cloud,
pockets of interstellar dust in the region block light from
background stars or scatter light from the embedded bright star
giving parts of
the nebula
a characteristic blue color.
Ultraviolet light from the star is also
to cause a dim reddish
in the nebular dust.
Though stars do form in
molecular clouds, this star
seems to have only accidentally wandered
into the area, as its measured velocity through
space is very different from the cloud's velocity.
This deep telescopic image
of the region spans about 7 light-years.
APOD: 2008 November 1 - A Spectre in the Eastern Veil
forms and garish colors are a mark of the Halloween season.
They also stand out in
cosmic close-up of the eastern Veil Nebula.
The Veil Nebula itself is a
large supernova remnant, the expanding
debris cloud from the death explosion of a massive star.
While the Veil is roughly circular in shape covering nearly 3 degrees
on the sky in the constellation Cygnus, this portion of the eastern
Veil spans only 1/2 degree, about the apparent size
of the Moon.
That translates to 12 light-years at the Veil's
estimated distance of 1,400 light-years from planet Earth.
In this composite of image data recorded through
narrow band filters,
emission from hydrogen atoms in the remnant is shown in red with strong
emission from oxygen atoms in greenish hues.
In the western part of the Veil lies another seasonal apparition,
the Witch's Broom.
APOD: 2008 October 31 - A Witch by Starlight
By starlight this eerie visage shines in the dark,
a crooked profile evoking its popular name, the
Witch Head Nebula.
In fact, this entrancing
portrait gives the impression
the witch has fixed her gaze on Orion's bright supergiant
star Rigel.
Spanning over 50 light-years, the dusty cosmic cloud strongly
reflects nearby Rigel's blue light, giving it the characteristic color
of a reflection nebula.
Cataloged as IC 2118, the Witch Head Nebula
is about 1,000 light-years away.
Of course, you might see a witch this
scary tonight,
but don't panic.
Have a safe and
Happy Halloween!
APOD: 2007 October 31 - Halloween and the Ghost Head Nebula
Halloween's origin is ancient and astronomical.
Since the fifth century BC,
has been celebrated as a
cross-quarter day, a day halfway between an
equinox (equal day / equal night) and a
(minimum day / maximum night in the northern hemisphere).
With our
modern calendar, however, the real
cross-quarter day will occur next week.
Another cross-quarter day is
Groundhog's Day.
Halloween's modern celebration retains
historic roots
in dressing to scare away the spirits of the dead.
Perhaps a fitting modern tribute to this ancient holiday is the
above-pictured Ghost Head Nebula taken with the
Hubble Space Telescope.
Appearing similar to the icon of a
NGC 2080 is actually a
star forming region in the
Large Magellanic Cloud,
a satellite galaxy of our own
Milky Way Galaxy.
The Ghost Head Nebula spans about 50
light-years and is shown in representative colors.
APOD: 2006 October 31 - SH2 136: A Spooky Nebula
The dark nebula SH2-136 appears to be celebrating
Halloween all of the time.
The complex process of
star formation create
dust clouds of many
shapes and
sizes -- it is
human perception
that might identify a ghoulish creature, on the right of the
above image, chasing humans.
Halloween's modern celebration retains historic roots in dressing to
scare away the spirits of the dead.
Since the fifth century BC,
Halloween has been celebrated as a
cross-quarter day, a day halfway between an
equinox (equal day / equal night) and a
(minimum day / maximum night in the northern hemisphere).
With our modern calendar, however, the real
cross-quarter day will occur next week. Other cross-quarter markers include
Groundhog Day and
Walpurgis Night.
APOD: 2005 November 15 - A Taurid Meteor Fireball
Have you ever seen a very bright meteor?
Unexpected, this year's
Taurid meteor shower resulted in
numerous reports of very
bright fireballs during the nights surrounding
Pictured above, a fireball that momentarily rivaled the brightness of the
full Moon was caught over
Cerro Pachon,
Chile by a
continuous sky monitor on November 1.
Several bright Taurid fireballs are identifiable on the
sky movie for that night.
The above image is a digitally rectangled version of a circular
fisheye frame
and shows the entire sky, horizon to horizon.
The bright meteor was seen swooping between the directions of the
Large and
Small Magellanic Clouds.
The band of the
Milky Way Galaxy
crosses the horizon behind the dome of the 8-meter
Gemini South Telescope.
Taurid meteor fireballs are
likely pebble sized debris left by
Comet Encke.
Over the next week the
Leonids meteor shower will peak, although they will need to be seen through the glare of a nearly full Moon.
[Disclosure: Robert Nemiroff collaborates on both the
Astronomy Picture of the Day and the Night Sky Live projects.]
APOD: 2005 October 31 - A Martian Halloween
From sunset to sunrise, an unusually bright yellowish
orb will hang in the sky this Halloween: Mars.
Earth passed Mars
as they orbited the Sun, bringing
closer than it will be for the next thirteen years.
Tonight though, Mars will be nearly as bright as last night,
a beacon of
extraterrestrial spookiness.
Opposite the Sun, Mars will rise just
when the Sun sets, set just when the Sun rises, and be visible
the entire night.
Mars will not always be the
brightest object in tonight's sky, though.
Brighter than even Mars, almost spooky
Venus will light up the western horizon for a brief time just after sunset.
Please have a safe and happy
All Hallows Eve.
APOD: 2005 October 30 - A Dark and Stormy Night
It was a dark and stormy night.
But on 2003 August 29th the red planet Mars, near its
to Earth in almost 60,000 years, shone brightly in the sky against
a background of stars in the
constellation Aquarius.
In the foreground of
scary view, huge thunder clouds are
lit by lightning
strokes from within.
of course, has nothing to do with storms on Earth, though
both have the power to excite the
imagination and wonder
Tonight, the night before
Halloween, Mars will also
pass close to the Earth,
closer than it will come during the next thirteen years.
And once again, the red planet Mars will look particularly bright,
although much smaller and dimmer than the
Moon and even Venus.
APOD: 2004 November 1 - Spooky Star Forming Region DR 6
How could stars form such a spooky and familiar shape as a human skull?
First, the complex process of
star formation creates nebulas of many
shapes and sizes -- it is
human perception that identifies the
skull shape.
Next, the physical reasons for the large nearly
empty cavities that resemble the skull's eyes and mouth in nebula
DR 6 are the strong
stellar winds and energetic light emanating from about
ten bright young stars in the nebula's central "nose".
The length of the central nasal bridge is about 3.5
light years.
Star forming nebula DR 6 is located about 4000 light years
away toward the constellation of Cygnus.
The Spitzer Space Telescope took the
above image last year in four
infrared colors.
The perhaps-perceived eeriness of nebula DR 6 commemorates
today being historically spooky
All Hallow's Day, which follows
All Hallow's Eve or "Halloween".
APOD: 2004 October 31 - Halloween and the Ghost Head Nebula
Halloween's origin is ancient and astronomical.
Since the fifth century BC,
Halloween has been celebrated as a
cross-quarter day, a day halfway between an
equinox (equal day / equal night) and a
(minimum day / maximum night in the northern hemisphere).
With our
modern calendar, however, the real
cross-quarter day will occur next week.
Another cross-quarter day is
Groundhog's Day.
Halloween's modern celebration retains
historic roots in dressing to scare away the spirits of the dead.
Perhaps a fitting modern tribute to this ancient holiday is the
above-pictured Ghost Head Nebula taken with the
Hubble Space Telescope.
Appearing similar to the icon of a
fictional ghost,
NGC 2080 is actually a
star forming region in the
Large Magellanic Cloud,
a satellite galaxy of our own
Milky Way Galaxy.
The Ghost Head Nebula spans about 50
light-years and is shown in representative colors.
APOD: 2004 October 30 - Pumpkin Moon
Does this look familiar?
Red and orange hues haunting the face of the
Moon should remind you of the
October 27th total lunar eclipse.
Created from exposures taken at intervals of 8.5 minutes
during the total eclipse phase, the midpoint of the eclipse
corresponds to the central exposure.
The play of light across
the lunar surface
nicely demonstrates that
the Earth's
shadow is not uniformly dark as it extends into space.
In fact, lunar maria and montes
are still visible in the dimmed,
reddened sunlight scattered into the cone-shaped shadow region,
or umbra, by the atmosphere.
Still, while processing the pictures into this composite image,
astronomer Sebastien Gauthier was reminded of another
orange face.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
APOD: 2004 October 29 - Red Moon Triple
Some thought of
baseball and some thought of
Halloween during
October 27th's widely
viewed total lunar eclipse.
Sliding through Earth's shadow,
the Moon turned haunting shades of red and
orange during the eclipse's total phase.
The reddish hues are caused by sunlight
scattered and refracted
by the atmosphere into the Earth's otherwise dark
central shadow region.
Enjoying the show from Dunkirk, Maryland, USA, astronomer
Fred Espenak recorded the images used in this
composite photo.
The picture shows the Moon at the
beginning (right), middle (center) and end (left)
of totality which lasted about 81 minutes.
Though lunar eclipses
occur twice a year, this eclipse
is perhaps remarkable for being the first total lunar eclipse
to occur during a World Series baseball game.
APOD: 2003 October 31 - A Dark and Stormy Night
It was a dark and stormy night.
But on August 29th the red planet Mars, near its
to Earth in almost 60,000 years, shone brightly in the sky against
a background of stars in the
constellation Aquarius.
In the foreground of
scary view, huge thunder clouds are
lit by lightning
strokes from within.
of course, has nothing to do with storms on Earth, though
both have the power to excite the
imagination and wonder
And who
knows what
sights you might see if you go out tonight?
Have a safe and Happy Halloween!
APOD: 2002 October 31 - Aurora in the Night
For much of the month of October, traveling shock waves
from the Sun and
solar wind gusts have buffeted
planet Earth's magnetosphere.
As a result, skywatchers at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere
were treated to many
displays of the
aurora borealis or northern lights.
For example, on the first of October this
particularly ghostly
apparition was photographed
looming above the horizon near the town
of Inari in northern Finnish Lapland.
But the solar wind is dying down for now.
So if you just happen to be out tonight and you see such a specter
haunting your skies ... it may not be
Have a safe and
APOD: 2001 October 31 - Halloween and the Ghost Head Nebula
Halloween's origin is ancient and astronomical.
Since the fifth century BC,
Halloween has been celebrated as a
cross-quarter day, a day halfway between an
equinox (equal day / equal night) and a
(minimum day / maximum night in the northern hemisphere).
With our
modern calendar, however, the real
cross-quarter day will occur next week.
Another cross-quarter day is
Groundhog's Day.
modern celebration retains
historic roots in dressing to scare away the spirits of the dead.
A perhaps-fitting modern tribute to this ancient holiday is the
above-pictured Ghost Head Nebula taken with the
Hubble Space Telescope.
Appearing similar to the
icon of a fictional ghost,
NGC 2080 is actually a
star forming region in the
Large Magellanic Cloud,
a satellite galaxy of our own
Milky Way Galaxy.
The Ghost Head Nebula spans about 50
light-years and is shown in representative colors.
APOD: 2000 October 31 - The Perseus Cluster s X Ray Skull
This haunting image from the orbiting
Chandra Observatory
reveals the Perseus Cluster of Galaxies
in x-rays,
photons with a thousand or more times the energy of visible light.
Three hundred twenty million light-years distant, the
Perseus Cluster
contains thousands of galaxies, but none of them are
seen here.
Instead of mere galaxies, a fifty million degree cloud of
intracluster gas, itself more
massive than all the cluster's galaxies
combined, dominates the x-ray view.
From this angle, voids and bright knots in the
x-ray hot gas cloud lend it a very
suggestive appearance.
Like eyes in a skull, two dark bubbles flank a bright central source
of x-ray emission.
A third elongated bubble (at about 5 o'clock) forms a toothless mouth.
The bright x-ray source is likely a supermassive black hole at the
cluster center with the bubbles blown by explosions of
energetic particles ejected from the black hole and expanding into
the immense gas cloud.
Fittingly, the dark spot forming the skull's "nose" is an
x-ray shadow ... the shadow of a large galaxy inexorably falling into
the cluster center.
Over a hundred thousand light-years across, the Perseus Cluster's
x-ray skull is a bit larger than skulls you
may see tonight.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
APOD: October 31, 1999 - The Cat's Eye Nebula
Three thousand light-years away,
a dying star throws off shells of glowing gas.
This image from the Hubble Space Telescope
reveals The Cat's Eye Nebula to be
one of the most
planetary nebulae known.
In fact, the features seen in
the Cat's Eye are so complex that astronomers suspect the bright
central object may actually be a
binary star system.
The term planetary
nebula, used to describe this
general class of objects, is misleading.
Although these objects may appear round and
planet-like in small telescopes,
high resolution images reveal them to be stars
surrounded by cocoons of gas blown off in the
stages of stellar evolution.
On planet Earth, of course, cats and
other creatures may be on the prowl tonight.
Keep your eyes peeled and have a safe and
happy Halloween!
APOD: October 31, 1998 - Bats And The Barren Moon
This picture, taken as the
Apollo 17 astronauts orbited the Moon
in 1972, depicts
the stark lunar surface around
the Eratosthenes and
Copernicus craters.
Images of a Moon devoid of life are
familiar to denizens of the space age.
Contrary to this modern perception,
life on the Moon was reported in August of 1835
in a series of sensational stories first published by
the New York Sun - apparently intended to improve the paper's circulation.
These descriptions of
lunar life received broad credence and
became one of the most spectacular
hoaxes in history.
Supposedly based on telescopic observations,
the stories featured full,
lavish accounts of a Moon with oceans and beaches, teeming with plant
and animal life and climaxing
with reported sightings of
winged, furry, human-like creatures
resembling bats !
Within a month the trick had been revealed
but the newspaper continued to enjoy an increased readership.
For now ...
have a safe and
happy Halloween !
APOD: October 31, 1997 - Haunting Mars
This Halloween, the news about
Mars is good news -
Mars Global Surveyor will
resume aerobraking
into a mapping orbit around the
haunting red planet.
Wide angle cameras onboard the spacecraft
recently recorded this shadowy
image of Olympus Mons, the Solar System's
largest volcano, from an altitude of over 100 miles.
The summit depression or caldera of
Olympus Mons is about 40 miles across
and 15 miles above the Martian surface.
On Halloween Night in 1938, Mars
also made the news when
Orson Welles' radio theatre adaptation of H.G. Wells'
"War of the Worlds" -
a fictional account
of invaders from Mars -
was dramatized as a live news report.
The performance was so convincing it tricked some listeners, but most
who heard the broadcast felt it was a treat.
Have a happy and safe Halloween!
APOD: October 31, 1995 - A Halloween Invasion from Mars
Orson Welles became an instant legend on Halloween in 1938 for his
radio dramatization of
H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds".
Some listeners who did not realize it was a theatrical production
were driven to near panic by this fictional account of invaders
from Mars.
In the story, as in the
above Hubble Space Telescope image,
Mars was at "opposition", its point of
closest approach to the Earth, a distance of some 65 million miles.
For the Martians, it was imagined
that this was a good time to invade. For astronomers,
opposition is a good time to study the red planet
and this HST image,
represents the clearest view of
Mars ever for an Earth telescope.
The icy north polar cap is visible at
the top of the picture as well as a veil of white clouds along
the planet's left edge. The dark markings represent areas where
the reddish tinged dust characteristic of the
surface has
been blown away by the Martian winds.