Table I: Desperately Seeking Supernovae
sn name type tmax������� ������guestimated date of maximum texpl�������������� guestimated date of explosion ra������������ ���supernova right ascension decimal degrees dec��������� �����supernova declination decimal degrees Z������������� redshift for sn or host galaxy grb name���������yymmdd date encoded grb name trig���������� batse trigger number ra������������ batse grb right ascension decimal degrees dec��������� batse grb declination decimal degrees delta������� ������angular distance between sn and grb position decimal degrees ������������� ned notes
1992U II ? after 03apr; before apr09.4 310.17 -70.68 0.011 920414 1552 300 -65.15 6.7 links strong p-cygni profile
1992aw II 27-Aug-92 ? 286.7 51.1 0.036 920804 1742 286.4 50.7 0.4 links
1992as II 14-Jul-92 before aug1 315.98 -44.65 0.025 920618 1655 316 -46.07 1.42 links like 1986L 3wks past max > aug4 is 3wks past max; plateau (IIp) sn?
1992af II 5-Jun-92 ? 307.68 -42.32 0.02 920618 1655 316 -46.07 7.05 links p-cygni profile; spectrum indicates june 29 (disc) is about 2wks past max; plateau
1993A II ? after 29dec92: before 17jan93 114.82 -62.05 0.028 921127 2069 129.03 -63.15 6.61 links p-cygni profile characteristic of plateau sn
1993K II 16-Apr-93 before 28mar 96.2 -22.9 0.0091 930318 2254 106.2 -19.1 10.1 links IIp or -P? resembles 1990E
1993W II 20-Aug-93 ? 352.4 -3 0.018 930709 2437 351.8 -8.4 5.4 links p-cygni profile indicator of type II-P?
1994ad + II 30-Oct-94 ? 27.4 -56.1 0.021 941031 3267 39.7 -57.3 6.9 links IIp? Or-P ?like low mass Ni56 sne?
1995G IIp 11-Feb-95 ? 70.9 -5.3 0.016 950206 3403 69.6 -14.5 9.2 links low mass Ni56 (spectrum like 1994W)
1995bc ++ II 1-Dec-95 ? 147.9 40.3 0.048 951107 3901 148.9 39.9 0.9 links
1996ce + ? ? ? 199.07 30.27 0.049 961026 5645 202.89 26.01 5.42 links
1997D IIp 28-Nov-96 ? 62.8 -56.5 0.004 961029 5648 59.4 -52.6 4.3 links low mass Ni56
1997cr II ? before 01june97 316.45 -25.22 0.077 970227 6104 322.79 -30.66 7.8 links question about type
1997db II 01-jun:: 04-aug is many months past max. sn is entering nebular phase before 02-aug 329.1 73.3 0.005 970507 6223 89.2 83.5 20.8 links
1997cx + II before 14-jul before 12-jul 151.4 80.3 0.005 970507 6223 89.2 83.5 8.8 links
1997cx + II before 14-jul before 12-jul 151.4 80.3 0.005 970508 6225 132.4 80.6 3.2 links
1998E IIn ? after 9jan: before 29jan 202.3 -33.17 0.008 971204 6519 195.83 -34.51 5.54 links
1997dq Ic 5-Nov-97 19-Oct to 30-Oct 175.2 11.5 0.003 971028 6542 199.3 -1.7 27.3 links
1998bw + Ic 15may98x 25-Apr 293.8 -51.2 0.008 980425 6707 291.9 -53.1 1.15 links the one
1998bo Ic 7-apr:15-apr after 31mar;before 22apr 299.35 -55.13 0.016 980425 6707 291.9 -53.1 4.8 links similar to 1987M: 29april is 2-3wks after max
1999df II 20-Jul-99 after 08-Jun; before july 20 227.2 52.5 0.038 990611 7604 228.1 48 4.5 links
1999eg II 13-Oct-99 before 04-oct 43.28 25.48 0.022 990701 7625 34.5 21.7 8.9 links p-cygni profile
1999di II 27-Jul-99 04jul99+/-? 30 23.6 0.016 990701 7625 34.5 21.7 4.6 links branch estimate
1999ex Ic 14-Nov-99 31-Oct to 05-Nov 334 -35.2 0.11 991027 7825 326 -5.7 30.4 links branch estimate: new light curve available?
a + indicates sngrb from single pulse paper.
a ++ indicates note in hudec's grb/sn search paper
first batse burst: grb 910421, last batse burst: grb000526
first longlag grb910424: last longlag grb000518